Biology Dynamics Modeller

The BioDynaMo project is a biology development simulation framework initially developed by researchers at CERN openlab and Newcastle University, also with the support by seed funding from the CERN Medical Applications budget. It aims to offer a general platform for computer simulations of biological tissue dynamics. It provides a service for other communities in the fields of biology and computational science, used to exchanging ideas and simulation code.
It is a software platform designed to easily create, run, and visualise 3D agent-based biological simulations. It can be used on standard laptops, desktop computers as well as high-performance computers to fully exploit different hardware for computational biology research. Ultimately, BioDynaMo will be able to simulate large-scale biological systems on the cloud in a user-friendly manner.
In 2020, the Institute of Global Health (University of Geneva) joined the BioDynaMo collaboration to implement a COVID-19 localised spreading model. A grant to develop the model further has been awarded to the team by the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
See more here or on the BioDynaMo website.