
How CERN intellectual property helps entrepreneurship

On World Intellectual Property Day 2021, see how intellectual property lies at the core of successful knowledge transfer at CERN

26 April, 2021

Scaling up quantum ambitions with CERN

The CERN Knowledge Transfer group has recently been exploring how CERN technology or know-how can help accelerate European quantum ambitions.

23 April, 2021

Announcing AIDAinnova: particle detector advancements for future accelerators

AIDAinnova will play a fundamental role in increasing the precision of particle detection for future particle accelerators.

30 March, 2021

Timepix-based detectors bring particle physics in the classroom

The ADMIRA project uses Timepix-based detectors to help students experiment with particle physics and contributes to transforming STEM education.

29 March, 2021

CERN launches Technology Impact Fund to address global challenges

First selected project could save lives by providing earlier earthquake alerts

18 March, 2021