Internal Network

The Internal Network, composed of the Departmental Knowledge Transfer (KT) Coordinators of each CERN department plus a representative from the Safety Commission, acts as the focal point within the departments on all matters relating to knowledge and technology transfer.

Link to INET mandate

ATS Sector

KT Coordinator: Luca Bottura

Beams Department (BE)

KT Coordinator: Erik Van Der Bij

Engineering Department (EN)

KT Coordinator: Eva Sanchez-Corral Mena

Experimental Physics Department (EP)

KT Coordinator: Michael Campbell

KT Coordinator: Michael Moll

KT Coordinator: Witold Pokorski

Finance and Administrative Processes Department

KT Coordinator: Hugo Brissonnaud

Industry, Procurement and Knowledge Transfer Department (IPT)

KT Coordinator: Christopher Hartley

Information Technology Department (IT)

KT Coordinator: Nils Høimyr

KT  Coordinator: Maria Girone

Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Protection Unit (HSE)

KT Coordinator: Christophe Delamare

Site and Civil Engineering (SCE)

KT Coordinator: Dominique Missiaen

Systems (SY)

KT Coordinator: Thomas Kramer

KT Coordinator: Davide Aguglia

Technology Department (TE)

KT Coordinator: Valeria Perez Reale

Theoretical Physics (TH)

KT Coordinator: Timo Weigand