Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

11 technologies that surprised the world in 2018 | Ukrayinska Pravda

(Ukrainian) 11 technologies that surprised the world in 2018.

The microscope revolution that’s sweeping through materials science | Nature

(English) Quantum Detectors in Oxford, UK, is one of three companies that are building electron...

CERN selects smart city startup as its first Swiss incubatee |

(Switzerland / English) SecuraXis is honored to be the first startup of the Business Incubation...

What a Mouse Teaches Us About the Future of 3D Color X-Rays | WIRED

(English) The MARS scanner, armed with particle-detecting tech used in CERN’s Large Hadron Collider...

First human 3D X-ray in colour | CERN Courier

(English) First human 3D X-ray in colour and a workshop exploring future medical accelerators for...

Le grand collisionneur de particules du CERN fête ses dix ans d'existence | Radio Television Suisse

(Switzerland / French) Situé sous terre entre Genève et la France voisine, le grand collisionneur de...

A Successful First CERN Entrepreneurship Demo Day |

(Switzerland / English) The very first CERN Entrepreneurship Student Program (CESP) Demo Day took...

CERN Technology Used To Create First Ever 3D Color X-Ray | Forbes

(English) A company based in New Zealand has scanned the human body with a color medical scanner...

3-D Color X-Rays Could Help Spot Deadly Disease Without Surgery | New York Times

(English) 3-D Color X-Rays Could Help Spot Deadly Disease Without Surgery.